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Materials A to Z

Here you can find all the types of fabrics we have in stock at the Leinen Lodge. From woven fabrics to jersey to linen and viscose, everything is included. To quickly find what you are looking for, use the drop-down menu and select your fabric type or use the filter on the left side of the page.
004 turquoise
005 blue
015 red
025 green
045 purple
050 white
051 cream
053 gold
068 gray
069 black
117 pink
133 neon yellow
008 marine
111 rosa
038 lachs
063 grau
051 cream
052 beige
054 grey-brown
154 brown
034 curry
015 red
018 burgundy
012 lilac
028 fir
124 sea green
024 petrol
008 navy
061 h.gray mel.
063 gray mel.
068 anthracite mel.
069 black