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Organic fabrics

Organic fabrics are particularly high-quality textiles because they have a certain seal of quality . In order to receive such a certificate , they must pass various tests and prove their quality and origin.

Organic materials or those that benefit animal welfare often fall into this category.

A well-known certification is, for example, the GOTS certification = Global Organic Textile Standard.

In many cases, by purchasing these textiles you are doing the world and yourself a huge favor.

012 skin
112 nude mel.
114 erika mel.
052 beige mel.
155 brown mel.
178 terra mel.
034 curry mel.
063 gray mel.
008 navy
006 jeans mel.
102 mel.
004 turquoise mel.
122 mint mel.
128 fir mel.
054 h.gray mel.
051 cream
004 turquoise mottled
006 jeans mottled
008 dark blue
011 pink
012 skin
014 erika mottled
018 light blue
022 mint
034 curry
036 orange
051 cream
052 mottled beige
054 light gray mel.
063 gray mottled
069 black
099 gray
106 jeans
152 beige